CII National Water Awards for Excellence in Water Management

CII National Awards for Excellence in Water Management has been recognizing industry for its contribution in making a Water Secure World - be it through their operations, innovations, or CSR activities.

For over a decade, CII–National Awards for Excellence in Water Management has been celebrating and awarding good and innovative water conservation & management practices undertaken by industries from varied sectors.

Since inception, these Awards have recognized over 650 + industries - both public and private, for their initiatives towards Efficient Water Management.

Why to Apply

Get recognised and awarded for “Innovation and Excellence” in the field of water resource management
Knowledge sharing and peer learning of good water management practices adopted by participating companies
Interact & network with individuals and companies from diverse sectors
Identify strengths and opportunities to excel in Water Management
Get featured in CII Publication which is exclusively shared with eminent decision makers in the country
Get comprehensive
assessment report

Categories of Awards

Within the Fence

The award recognises companies who have done well with respect to improving water use efficiency and have an integrated approach for wastewater management system which includes recycle, recovery and reuse of industrial effluents

Beyond the Fence

The award recognises work done by the company at watershed level with communities for improving state of water resources, along with enhancing opportunities for livelihoods and socio-economic development including any other CSR activities related to water.

Innovative Water Saving Product

The award recognises companies involved in manufacture of water efficient equipment or products, which have an impact on water management, either by reducing freshwater consumption or enhancing wastewater recycling/ reuse and recovery.
Note: MSMEs are encouraged to apply under any category. They will be assessed & compared with other MSMEs.

Awards Process

The Awards adhere to a transparent and rigorous assessment process that includes 3 levels of scrutiny and verification. The results of each assessment are reviewed by a pre-eminent Jury, comprising of former bureaucrats, representatives of government, industry and academia at two stages before arriving at the final decision.

*Site Visit may be conducted for Specific shortlisted companies for ground verification of the information provided in the application. This will be decided on a case-to-case basis as per jury’s discretion.

Jury for the Awards

Dr. Anil Kakodkar
Chief of Jury
CII National Awards for Excellence in Water
Management & Chairman, Rajiv Gandhi Science
& Technology Commission
Mr. N K Ranganath
Advisory Board
CII Triveni Water Institute
Dr. Sushil Gupta
Punjab Water Regulation & Development Authority & Former Chairman, Central Ground Water Board
Dr. B Sengupta
Former Member Secretary
Central Pollution Control Board
Mr. Sanjay Singh
Former Group Head
Paper & Packaging, ITC PSPD
Dr. A K Keshari
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, (IIT) Delhi
Mr. Pinaki Bhadury
Solutions Lead - Industrial

Past Winners

For any clarifications or information
please contact Water Awards Team  |  +91 - 8882911463